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Here are some Photo Tips:


I have found that patience is definitely a virtue when photographing your pet. You may want to get a photo of them in their favorite spot, this way they will look happy and relaxed.

Try to take the photo in good light but not direct, bright sunlight, so they are not squinting their eyes.


A photo taken outdoors on a bright cloudy day works well.


It may help to have someone else to hold your pet while you are taking the photo. It doesn't matter if they get in the photo I can draw them out of the portrait as long as they don't cover up any important markings or features of your pet.

beautifully detailed pet portrait - dog

Photograph of Casey

beautifully detailed pet portrait in Canandaigua

Colored Pencil Drawing of Casey

Always try and get down to your pets level when taking a photo, so you aren't looking down on them too much.


If you are able to take some photos specifically for me to draw from - then try to get a good close up of your pet. A close-up of the pet’s face and head is especially important. I would like to see the direction of the fur, eye lashes, scars, markings.  This detail is very important!

NOTE:  If you would like two or more animals in one portrait it is best to photograph them separately, it’s very hard to get them all facing the same way etc.


However, it helps for me to see at least one photograph of them all together just so I can see how they compare in size to each other. If this isn't possible (if they have passed away) a brief description of relative size will be helpful.

Pet Portraits and Memorials Finger Lakes NY - dog
Pet Portraits, Memorials, Drawings, Wall Murals Rochester NY Region

  Colored Pencil Drawing of Gibson

Photograph of Gibson

I work from photographs but they must be clear. It is helpful if you can send me a selection of photos to choose from. This gives me a better idea of what your pet looks like. The better the photos, the better your finished portrait will be.

If you aren't sure if your photos are suitable for a portrait then please feel free to send them to me anyway, I can take a look and  determine if the portrait can be done.


(Photos will be handled with care.)

Pet Portraits, Memorials, Wall Murals Rochester NY Region

Photograph of Beaney

Calico cat portrait

Colored Pencil Drawing of Beaney

More examples of good photographs:

Pet Portraits, Memorials, Dog and Cat drawings, Wall Murals Rochester NY Region
Cat / Pet Portraits, Memorials, Wall Murals Rochester NY Region
Cat / Pet Portraits, Memorials, Wall Murals Ontario County NY Region
Dog / Pet Portraits, Memorials, Wall Murals Rochester NY Region
Pet Portraits, Memorials, Wall Murals Rochester NY Region
Dog / Pet Portraits, Memorials, Wall Murals Finger Lakes  NY Region
Dog / Pet Portraits, Memorials, Wall Murals Canandaigua NY Region
Animal Portraits
Please contact me with your questions.
I would be happy to create an artwork for you!
Original on Transparent.png

Rebecca Andrus

All images on this site are the sole copyright of the artist.  Images may not be reproduced in any way whatsoever without the permission of the artist

© 2018 The Fine Line art studio

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